Change member workspace roles

Expensify Classic

To change the roles and permissions for members of your workspace,

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the Group tab on the left.
  3. Click the desired workspace name.
  4. Click the Members tab on the left.
  5. Click the Settings icon next to the desired member.
  6. Select a new role for the member.
Employee Auditor Workspace Admin
✔ Submit their own reports ✔ Submit their own reports ✔ Submit their own reports
✔ Approve reports submitted to them ✔ Approve reports submitted to them ✔ Approve reports submitted to them
  ✔ View all workspace reports ✔ View all workspace reports
    ✔ Approve all workspace reports
    ✔ Edit workspace settings
  1. If your workspace uses Advanced Approvals, select an “Approves to.” This determines who the member’s reports must be approved by, if applicable. If “no one” is selected, then any one with the Auditor or Workspace Admin role can approve the member’s reports.
  2. Click Save.

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